JHotDraw 7.4.1

Package org.jhotdraw.app.action.edit

Provides Actions which act on the current selection or insertion point


Class Summary
AbstractFindAction Presents a find dialog to the user and then highlights the found items in the active view.
ClearSelectionAction Clears (de-selects) the selected region.
CopyAction Copies the selected region and place its contents into the system clipboard.
CutAction Cuts the selected region and places its contents into the system clipboard.
DeleteAction Deletes the region at (or after) the caret position.
DuplicateAction Duplicates the selected region.
PasteAction Pastes the contents of the system clipboard at the caret position.
RedoAction Redoes the last user action on the active view.
SelectAllAction Selects all items.
UndoAction Undoes the last user action.

Package org.jhotdraw.app.action.edit Description

Provides Actions which act on the current selection or insertion point.

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